Tag Archives: shutting down Pilgrim

Pilgrim Progress : the beat goes on

Pilgrim has withstood a virtual tsunami of bad news the last couple of years. It seems like just about everybody wants it to go away. All Cape and Vineyard towns, the governor, and our state and US representatives– all want to see it closed, for reasons that have been rehearsed almost daily in this paper. […]

Pilgrim 12 trial—Judge Cannone, how about a clue?

There’s no question who won and who lost in the recent Pilgrim12 trespassing trial. The defendants got a tap-on-the-wrist sentence, but it was pretty obvious, as reported in news stories, Pilgrim and the NRC were on trial—and found guilty. As Diane Turco, Cape Downwinders co-founder and a defendant said, “The verdict doesn’t matter; the truth […]

Senator Warren, where are you now that we need you?

Dear Senator Warren: Your Cape and Islands supporters love the work you are doing in DC levelling the playing field with corporations. But we are disappointed that you haven’t been stronger on the burning issue here, the closing down of Pilgrim nuclear power plant. We assume you are aware that all the towns on Cape […]

Another company in contempt–Gov. Patrick’s letter to the NRC

Numerous Cape Codders went to the trouble of bussing to Boston recently to urge Gov. Patrick to write a letter to the NRC requesting the closing of Pilgrim nuclear power plant. The Governor complied and sent that letter. The response of Entergy, the company that owns the plant: essentially, yadda yadda yadda. Whatever. Water off […]

Pilgrim: Close it now

  Fukushima three years out and the news just keeps getting worse. In Japan, the newsstories about extent of radiation pollution of air and water and exposure of plant workers make one grateful not to live on that island. But the evidence mounts of a disaster with worldwide implications. The usually conservative AMA is calling […]

Plymouth’s responsibility to the Cape

While the movement to close down Pilgrim is making headlines, according to a March 11 story in this paper Plymouth selectmen recently signed a deal for $28 million for continuing to host the plant for another three years. “The lucrative arrangement has some thinking it wouldn’t be easy to get Plymouth to back a plant […]

The logic of fearing Pilgrim [op-ed CCT 28 May 2013]

The movement to shut down Pilgrim nuclear power plant seems finally to be taking off. All 14 of the towns who have voted on it have voted to that effect. A poll shows a great majority of us afraid of Pilgrim. The May 19th demonstration in Plymouth was the largest so far.   If ever […]