Tag Archives: roads

Eastham deserves a downtown

Every town deserves a downtown, a Main Street. You could argue that the downtown is what makes a town a town, or the sort of town it is. What Eastham has instead of a downtown is a 4-lane highway. In a public meeting late last month concerned townspeople complained about life with Route 6 in […]

OVD: how soon we forget

The other day I was walking on Ocean View Drive here in Wellfleet and realized that if I’d ever known when it was constructed I’ve forgotten that. OVD is the road that, as the name suggests, runs along the top of the dunes connecting four main town ocean beaches. I was surprised that I didn’t […]

124: older can be better

Congratulations to Harwich on defeating the initiative to “improve” Route 124. A predictable reaction to the decision in a letter to this paper complained that the existing road is scandalously old, dating back to the 1920s. Sometimes we carelessly use “older” as a metaphor for incompetent, as if newer always means better. But the argument […]