Tag Archives: objectivity fallacy

What, if anything, is Juan Williams guilty of? [November 2010 / CCT]

Juan Williams admits he gets nervous when a fellow passenger on a plane is wearing a Muslim outfit. In fact Williams, longtime news analyst on National P ublic Radio, was fired after making this confession to on The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News. The exact quote: “Look, Bill, I’m not a bigot…. But when I […]

The Impartiality Fallacy [August 2009 / CCT]

In two big news stories of recent weeks—the Sotomayor confirmation hearings and President Obama’s reaction to the arrest of a black Harvard professor– a key player was a concept: the concept of impartiality. It and its various siblings (“unbiassed”, “neutral”, “objective”) are among the most misleading words in the language. Some years back Sotomayor said, […]