Tag Archives: NStar spraying


Laws are codified public sentiment. They are supposed to represent what’s right. They exist to protect us. But sometimes laws don’t feel like that. Case in point: the laws that allow two local companies to act like outlaws. I’m speaking of course of Entergy and Eversource, both widely perceived to be endangering the public health […]

NStar’s “rape” of the Cape.

On a walk I noticed NStar’s sub-contractor’s trucks parked in our neighborhood. I assume that means they are about to do it to us. That’s what it feels like. “Nstar’s Rape of the Cape.” Has a nice ring to it. But is “rape’ too strong a word for what NStar has been doing to this […]

Our curious lack of curiosity about NStar spraying

NStar, persevering in its bad neighbor policy, in late August publicized a list of the next victims of its herbicide spraying of plants in its power lines right-of-way. All Cape towns have officially objected to this practice, along with all our legislators, but the virtually universal condemnation falls on deaf ears. NStar and the relevant […]

NStar spraying and our curious lack of curiosity

NStar, persevering in its bad neighbor policy, has publicized a list of the next victims of its herbicide spraying of plants in its power lines right-of-way. All Cape towns have officially objected to this practice, along with all our legislators, but the virtually universal condemnation falls on deaf ears. The reason for objections are clear: […]

Company in contempt: NStar spraying an aquifer near you

NStar, the so-called public utility, has become a public menace. In contempt of the resolutions of all Cape and Vineyard towns, the company is targetting in 2014 the following: Falmouth, Bourne, Sandwich; Barnstable, Dennis, Yarmouth; Harwich, Wellfleet and Truro. On Martha’s Vineyard: Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury.   Two citizens who have worked hard trying to […]

They’re baaaack: NStar to spray again [op ed Cape Cod Times 17 september 2013]

With astounding callousness NStar, the so-called public utility, has announced its intention, after a voluntary moratorium, to go ahead and spray herbicide on the foliage in the powerlines right of way. All Cape towns have passed resolutions against spraying. Thousands of residents, visitors, and businesses have signed GreenCAPE petitions against spraying. Physicians, public health academics, […]

NStar spraying: reasonable doubt [August 2009 / CCT]

It was a classic confrontation. The utility company NStar came to Nauset Regional High School in Eastham August 12 to present the rationale for their scheduled herbicide spraying of the power lines right of way through outer Cape towns. Over 100 citizens showed up to object. There was an array of experts (including reps from […]