Tag Archives: freedom of expression

A signed column about unsigned blogs [CCT op-ed 15 January 2008]

Suddenly, it’s all about blogs. A young fellow of my acquaintance, in his “it’s-a-free-country, isn’t it” innocence, posted a comment on a blog last year that got him in a bit of hot water. The sentiment, hyperbole common enough among those wishing for the removal of our current ruler for being a danger to humankind, […]

Free expression has built-in risks 15 feb 2006 [ CCT 15 February 2006 ]

“Can’t the cat look at the queen?” This is the saying my mother invoked to deal with surly teenage attitude. It was, of course, a rhetorical question. Darn right the cat—one’s mother—has the right to pay unsolicited attention to the self-declared royalty of a hypersensitive teen. It came to mind in connection with the controversy […]