Monthly Archives: October 2012

Contradictions of Sharing Territory [CCT op-ed, 30 October 2012]

There are so many wildlife stories in these parts this newspaper could run a whole section on the subject right along with the sports section. Whether it’s songbirds, coyotes, washed ashore dolphins, or the seals, sharks and bear that have been preoccupying us in recent months, the deep story connecting all the stories is the […]

Election: Clueless on the Outer Cape [op-ed CCT 16 October 2012]

From this perch on the outer edge, America, that vast…inbetweenness that separates the coasts, can look like a murky cauldron being stirred by others. Who knows whats going on in there? As I write, half the news stories are about how although there were no gaffes, no game-changing disclosures in the recent presidential debate, […]

A case for a tax break for Wellfleet’s fulltime residents? Maybe [op-ed CCT 2 Octover 2012]

Some of my best friends are non-resident taxpayers. Really. A proposal to give Wellfleet’s full-time residents a property tax break has stirred some of the most heated conversation heard around here in some t ime The relief, which would be accomplished by charging non-residents and fulltime residents at different rates, giving it a bit of […]